Why Isn’t Your Furnace’s Ignition Switch Working?

If your furnace is blowing cold air, cycles on and off too often, or simply won't fire up, then you could have a problem with your ignition switch. Sometimes, the switch itself has a fault; other times, it won't work because of a problem somewhere else in your system. Read on to learn about some of the common reasons why furnace ignition switches stop working. Your Ignition Switch Has a Fault Read More 

Tired Of High Energy Bills When The Temperature Outside Rises? Call A Residential AC Service Expert

If your energy bills and electrical expenses in the summer are too high and you feel that your house isn't even as cool as you would like, it's time to consider replacing your air conditioner. This could help to lower the use of energy throughout the warmer months, and help you get the relief from the heat that you want. First, have your current air conditioning unit tested by a residential heating and cooling company. Read More 

5 Signs An HVAC System Is Having An Emergency

HVAC systems provide immense comfort. They can pose safety hazards in certain emergency situations, though. If you're looking at one of these five problems, it's time to contact an emergency HVAC repair technician. The Smell of Gas If you use a natural gas system, you never want to smell gas. Frequently, a failing system will struggle to burn all of the gas during ignition. The ignition process can become explosive. Likewise, there's a risk that the system is operating fine but that a gas line or coupling is leaking. Read More 

Things That Might Cause The Heat Exchanger In Your Furnace To Crack And What A Heating Contractor Can Do

Your gas furnace needs to be kept in good shape so it's not expensive to operate and so no damage happens that could let carbon monoxide escape. You should hire a heating contractor to do preventative maintenance at least once a year and to do repairs when problems arise. It's important to care for all of the parts, especially in the combustion area, so the heat exchanger doesn't crack. Here are some furnace problems that can cause the heat exchanger to crack and how they can be prevented. Read More 

3 Things To Do To Prepare For AC Installation

AC installation is complicated, so you should assign it to seasoned HVAC technicians. They have the skillset and equipment to perform the work properly and ensure the unit works efficiently for many years.  But before the professionals arrive to install the cooling unit, you should prepare adequately. Preparation will ensure everything runs smoothly and prevent inconveniences.  Consider doing the following things before the installation day.  1. Ensure the Ductwork is in Good Condition  Read More