5 Geothermal Heater Faults That Require The Attention Of A Heater Repair Service

Geothermal heaters, also known as ground-source heat pumps, are a highly efficient and eco-friendly option for heating your home. These systems use the constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool a home, which can save homeowners up to 70% on their heating and cooling costs. Like any heating system, geothermal heaters can experience problems that require the attention of a professional repair service.

Here are some common issues homeowners may encounter with their geothermal heaters and how a repair service can fix them.

1. Leaks in the Ground Loop

The ground loop is a crucial component of a geothermal heating system, as it is responsible for transferring heat between the earth and the heater. If there is a leak in the ground loop, it can lead to a loss of efficiency and, in extreme cases, complete system failure.

A repair service can locate and repair leaks in the ground loop, ensuring that your system is working at its optimal level. 

2. Failed Compressor

The compressor keeps the refrigerant circulating in the system. If the compressor fails, it can lead to a loss of heating and cooling capacity.

A repair service can diagnose the failure and repair or replace the failed compressor, restoring your system to full function.

3. Obstructed Air Filter

Just like any other heating system, a geothermal heater needs regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently. One important aspect of this maintenance is changing the air filter regularly.

A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and decrease the efficiency of the system. A repair service can replace a clogged air filter, restoring proper airflow and increasing the efficiency of the system.

4. Low Refrigerant Levels

Geothermal heaters use refrigerant to transfer heat between the earth and the system. If there is not enough refrigerant, the system will not be able to transfer enough heat to keep your home warm.

A repair service can diagnose the problem and recharge the refrigerant, restoring the system to full capacity.

5. Frozen Pipes

Water inside your geothermal system's pipes can freeze if there is not enough antifreeze in the system or if there is a leak somewhere in the piping system itself.

This problem can be persistent in exceptionally cold weather. This will prevent your system from functioning properly until it is thawed out.

By understanding the common issues homeowners may encounter with their geothermal heaters and addressing them, you can enjoy the benefits of this eco-friendly and energy-efficient technology for years to come.

Contact a heating service contractor to learn more.
